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    Tailikku1's Medals


    Total Medals Earned: 1,787 (From 351 different games.)
    Total Medal Score: 29,275 Points

    Reincarnation: AHE

    Medals Earned: 4/6 (55/65 points)

    Reincarnation: TBOH

    Medals Earned: 1/2 (10/20 points)

    Reincarnation: TEND

    Medals Earned: 1/1 (25/25 points)

    Relive Your Life

    Medals Earned: 31/32 (490/500 points)

    REPLAYING :the game:

    Medals Earned: 1/4 (100/250 points)

    Return to Riddle School

    Medals Earned: 4/7 (45/115 points)

    Revenge of dog

    Medals Earned: 3/9 (40/85 points)


    Medals Earned: 2/8 (15/265 points)

    Ripple Dot Zero

    Medals Earned: 1/4 (5/205 points)


    Medals Earned: 1/5 (25/235 points)