View Profile Tailikku1

Tailikku1's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 1,798 (From 352 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 29,335 Points

Keep An Eye

Medals Earned: 5/12 (55/450 points)

Winner 5 Points

Complete 1 level

Wrecking Ball 5 Points

Die first time

Adventure Time! 10 Points

Start new game

The Song of Silence 10 Points

Mute music and sound effects

Lucky 25 Points

Collect 3 stars

Like a Boss 10 Points

Complete 8 level

Mom, I GOT A NEW FAN!!1! 10 Points

Check credits

Almost there 25 Points

Complete 16 level

GOTCHA! 50 Points

Complete game

Not really... Why? 100 Points

Die 100 times!

Rich and Famous 100 Points

Collect all stars

True MLG 100 Points

Complete game without deaths(ok it's joke... 3 or less)


Medals Earned: 1/11 (5/455 points)

10 Rows 5 Points

Get 10 rows in Solo Mode.

Friends 5 Points

Play KeyCountDown with a friend!

Graduate 5 Points

Learn how to play KeyCountDown

Secrets! 5 Points

Find a secret in KeyCountDown!

25 Rows 10 Points

Get 25 rows in Solo Mode.

50 Rows! 25 Points

Get 50 rows in Solo Mode!

100 Rows! 50 Points

Get 100 rows in Solo Mode!

75 Rows! 50 Points

Get 75 rows in Solo Mode!

250 Rows!!! 100 Points

250? WHAT?

500 ROWS? 100 Points

But, HOW?!

A THOUSAND ROWS!? 100 Points


Kill the Plumber

Medals Earned: 7/15 (125/370 points)

1UP Yours 5 Points

Kill the plumber 10 times

Indie Giving 5 Points

Check out Dojo.com

Join the Army 5 Points

Like Kill the Plumber's page

World 1 Done 10 Points

Beat level 12 under 5 seconds

Another Castle 25 Points

Beat level 24

Castle Crushed 25 Points

Beat level 36

Lost Levels 50 Points

Get at least 108 stars

No Stomping 5 Points

Get stomped on level 1.

Shortcut 5 Points

Beat level 12 under 5 seconds

Deathtouch 10 Points

Touch and kill the plumber on level 4

100 Lives Lost 25 Points

Kill the plumber 100 times.

Jumpless 25 Points

Beat level 10 without jumping

Must Kill 25 Points

Kill the plumber before timer runs out on level 23

Completionist 50 Points

Beat all Lost Levels

Perfectionist 100 Points

Get all 144 stars

King conquers Space

Medals Earned: 1/4 (10/95 points)

Space Trooper 10 Points

Get a score of 60 or above

First Ten 10 Points

Conquer 10 Planets in the first 10 seconds

Corners of Space 25 Points

Conquer all four corners within 30 seconds

King 50 Points

Get a score of 70 or above

Kingdom in the Clouds

Medals Earned: 5/12 (25/180 points)

Conquer Forest Canopy 5 Points

Beat all five levels of the 1st world

Conquer Lava Peaks 5 Points

Beat all five levels of the 2nd world

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Conquer Nimbus Basin 10 Points

Beat all five levels of the 3rd world

Conquer Kingdom Outskirts 25 Points

Beat all 4 levels of the 5th world

Conquer Starry Skies 25 Points

Beat all five levels of the 4th world

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Kissy Square

Medals Earned: 12/17 (110/435 points)

First Kiss 5 Points

Gained the first time kiss. How does it feel kissing for the first time?

First Kiss Hesitation 5 Points

Canceled kissing 5 times before first kiss.

First Kiss... with a Wall 5 Points

First time kiss with a wall. Does it feel strange?

New Love Atmosphere 5 Points

Changed a color.

Runny Square 5 Points

Checked the More Games.

Second Kiss 5 Points

Reached 2 kisses. A first kiss wasn't enough, was it?

The C Button 5 Points

Checked the Credit.

Warm Kiss 5 Points

Reached 4 kisses. It's getting warm.

Hard Kiss 10 Points

Kissed the wall 16 times. It hurts.

Warmer Kiss 10 Points

Reached 8 kisses. It's getting warmer.

Hot Kiss 25 Points

Reached 16 kisses. It's getting hot.

Masochist Kiss 25 Points

Kissed the wall 32 times. It hurts but somehow it gets exciting.

Love is Blind 25 Points

Set all colors to pure black(R=0, G=0, B=0).

Burning Kiss 50 Points

Reached 32 kisses. It's getting too hot!

Fell in Love with Wall 50 Points

Kissed the wall 64 times. Well, that is strange...

Blind Kiss 100 Points

First kiss with all color sets to pure black(R=0, G=0, B=0).

Lovely Kiss 100 Points

Reached 64 kisses. It's getting lovely.

Knightfall 2

Medals Earned: 3/10 (110/495 points)

Death From Above 10 Points

Perform a 3 x combo

A Century Of Clashes 50 Points

Kill 100 enemies in a single game

Sir Grindalot The Wise 50 Points

Reach XP level 10

Chicken To(k)night 10 Points

Roast a chicken using the flame magic!

Raconteur Of Riches 25 Points

Accumulate 10,000 GP or more

A Veritable Knightmare 50 Points

Complete the game

One Chance Only 50 Points

Complete the game in one sitting, without quitting or dying

The Order Of Thrift 50 Points

Buy nothing from the shop

Grandmaster Flash 100 Points

Complete the game in under 500 moves

Knightfall The First 100 Points

Complete the game only destroying groups of 3 blocks or more

Kram Keep

Medals Earned: 2/10 (35/450 points)

Keeper of the Keep 25 Points

Beat the game on Normal mode.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Completionist 10 Points

Found all Powerups and Crystal Hearts.

Deathless 50 Points

Beat the game with zero deaths.

Master of the Keep 50 Points

Beat the game on Hard mode.

Pacifist 50 Points

Beat the game with zero enemy kills.

Speed Runner 50 Points

Beat the game in under 6 minutes.

All-Star 100 Points

Get 3 or more stars on the ending statistics.

The brave do not fear the grave 100 Points

Beat the game on Death mode.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Labyrinth: SoS

Medals Earned: 5/8 (80/150 points)

Breaking and Entering 10 Points

Break into a Boss Battle without Destroying all the Orbs First

Daft Punk 10 Points

Get the Strongest Armor Helmet

Reptile Ransack 10 Points

Beat the Boss

Power Presence 25 Points

Collect all 7 Permanent Upgrades in One Game

Sky Commander 25 Points

Get the wings

Acid Drop 10 Points

Lure an enemy into an acid pool

Ammo Ambush 10 Points

Reach 99 Ammo

Lucky 13 50 Points

Reach Level 13

Laser Links Puzzle

Medals Earned: 1/6 (5/120 points)

Beginner 5 Points

You have completed the Beginner campaign.

Initiate 5 Points

You have completed the Initiate campaign.

Advanced 10 Points

You have completed the Advanced campaign.

Crystal Clear 25 Points

You have completed Crystal Mode!

Met The Standards 25 Points

You have completed Standard Mode!

Shines Under Pressure 50 Points

You have completed Challenge Mode! Hats Off!